
“Factory is Home”—The Story of an Outstanding “Veteran”

Tao Lei, one of the 2022 outstanding employees, is a member of the Coil Pulling Section in Shandong Hailiang. His unwavering dedication to the copper processing industry for 12 years is a wonderful story worth hearing.


The Coil Pulling Section is crucial in copper tube production, where each batch of products requires meticulous examination with a great deal of patience. Tao Lei leads by example, not only setting a model for his colleagues but also fostering a culture of self-inspection and mutual inspection within the section. With passion and resilience in his work, despite his relatively young age, he exudes the spirit of a seasoned worker.

Whenever his colleagues encounter technical challenges, they often turn to him for guidance, and Tao Lei is always patient in assisting them in problem-solving. When the section experiments with new processes or products, Tao Lei willingly steps up to participate in the production, offering valuable insights and suggestions.


On one occasion, the section received an order of 8.7*0.28 sample tubes, and despite several attempts, they were not produced successfully on different machines. Tao Lei, after assessing the situation, proactively participated in the producing process, comparing the processes, checking mold configurations, quickly identifying the issue, and solving it timely. The sample tubes were successfully produced, the order was delivered on time, and the section successfully completed this challenging task.

Although the production tasks are demanding and complex, they cannot impede the progress of outstanding employees. Tao Lei, as a key member of the section, leverages his well-honed stretching techniques developed over many years to efficiently promote high-quality production, enhancing the man-machine efficiency. He has consecutively achieved the title of the monthly production champion in the section.


He remains humble in spite of success, and in the face of adversity, he perseveres and tries his best. Why does he work so hard? His simple answer says it all: "We consider the company as our home, and for the company to thrive, we must contribute our best efforts. When the company thrives, we all benefit." His sincerity radiates with positive energy.


What is craftsmanship? Tao Lei, an ordinary worker in the Coil Pulling Section, may understand it more profoundly.

For him, craftsmanship is the perseverance, relentlessly improving skills to realize the life’s value, just as the Chinese saying goes "In the face of all blows, not bending low, it still stands fast. Whether from east, west, south or north the wind does blast." As a vital member of the section, craftsmanship is the dedication that allows him to go through life with no regrets, tirelessly delving into his work to propel the company forward, just as the verse goes, "A time will come to ride the wind and cleave the waves, I’ll set my cloud-like sail to cross the sea which raves."

With the spirit of a craftsmanship, Tao Lei will sail through storms in his life journey!