
Fueling for Life! Zhongshan Hailiang Group’s Voluntary Blood Donation Campaign in Action

      On August 9, Zhongshan Hailiang Group organized its employees to actively participate in a voluntary blood donation Campaign, demonstrating positive social energy through practice for a decade. By 9 a.m., volunteers who had registered for blood donation were already waiting in the lobby for the arrival of the blood donation vehicle.


      Under the guidance of medical staff, they received registration forms, filled in personal information, and had their blood pressure measured and blood samples tested. Having successfully passed the checks, they entered the blood donation vehicle one by one, and the entire process proceeded in an orderly manner.


      Liu Peihua, a dispatcher from the Production Department, was the first to enter the blood donation vehicle, successfully donating 200 milliliters after passing the tests. “Voluntary blood donation is a very meaningful act. This is my ninth time participating in blood donation, totaling 1800 milliliters. I feel gratified that I can save lives through my actions,” Liu Peihua said with a smile.


      The staff Liang Jiehua, who has donated blood five times before, remains modest. He said, “Since my first blood donation in 2018, I set a small goal for myself - to donate blood once every year. As a voluntary blood donor, I believe that it is meaningful and joyful to bring health and even save life to those in need.”


       In this campaign, there were those who had donated blood multiple times before, as well as first-time donors. Cai Chaojian and Huang Hailong, both warehouse administrators from the Operations Planning Department, are not only colleagues but also teammates on the basketball court. “We have a passion for basketball and are in good physical condition. Even though this is our first-time donating blood, I don’t feel nervous at all, and on the contrary, I’m excited. Encouraged by my teammates this year, we joined the voluntary blood donation together, helping more people. I find it very meaningful,” Cai Chaojian said.

Voluntary blood donation is a crimson bond that conveys genuine compassion.

 It is an embodiment of altruism and the spirit of dedication.

Zhongshan Hailiang will continue to fulfill its social responsibility.

Inspiring more people to engage in philanthropic endeavors. 

Walking alongside passionate hearts, we extend the journey of life.