
Proud! Chairman and General Manager of Hailiang Stock Zhangquan Zhu is Honored the Title of “Zhejiang Model Worker”

30th April marked the holding of Celebration Event of International Labor Day & Commendation Conference for Advanced Model Workers at People's Great Hall of Zhejiang Province. Jun Che, secretary of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the CPC attended the conference and delivered an important speech. The conference was presided by Jiajun Yuan, vice secretary of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the CPC and governor of Zhejiang Province.


The conference commended advanced individuals and collectives of 2019 Zhejiang Model Worker and 2019 Zhejiang Model Collective. Zhangquan Zhu, member of the board of Hailiang Group, chairman and general manager of Zhejiang Hailiang Co., Ltd. was honored the title of “Zhejiang Model Worker”



(Zhangquan Zhu, member of the board of Hailiang Group, chairman and general manager of Zhejiang Hailiang Co., Ltd. was also honored the titles of “Zhejiang Thousand Best Secretaries” and “Zhejiang Outstanding Businessman” from 2004 to 2014)

Insist on High-Quality Development and Repay Society with Excellent Results

Zhangquan Zhu has been working in Hailiang Stock for 30 years. He has started from a nobody in procurement, sales and production to somebody who has always outperformed the targets. In 2012, he took the position of general manager and started to implement refined management, technological transformation and product innovation in a comprehensive manner. By focusing on both “refined management” and “intelligent manufacturing”, he led the company to grow rapidly into the largest cooper pipe enterprise in China, one of the largest and the most internationally competitive copper processing enterprises in the world. Hailiang Stock has ranked the first in copper pipe production yield and led its international counterparts in sales performance.

The perfect combination of continuous innovation in technical products and refined management has brought about continuous and steady growth of sales. Against the backdrop of the pessimistic overall environment in the industry, the company realized a gross revenue of 41.38 billion CNY in 2018, an increase of 38.33% over the previous year; a net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies of 902 million CNY, an increase of 27.91% over the previous year. In the past five years, its compound annual growth rates of operating revenue and net profit have remained above 25%, creating a miracle in the operation of Chinese copper processing enterprises.

Be Adept in Activating Corporate Culture and Moving Society with a Unique Business Philosophy

“Where there is a market, there goes Zhejiang businessman, but our root always lies in Zhejiang!” During the rapid growth of enterprises, Zhangquan Zhu with an international strategic vision took consideration of various factors to facilitate a bigger and stronger Zhejiang production base. In addition, he also contributed to the self-building and acquiring of production bases in Shanghai, Anhui, Guangdong, Chongqing, Vietnam, Thailand, and the United States. Through these endeavors, Hailiang Stock has quickly become the world's largest copper pipe producer. Recent years witnessed the continuous optimization of business environment, Zhangquan Zhu and other decision-makers in the company, with their strong local feelings, positively responded to the call of the provincial government to “Return to Zhejiang” and actively adjusted the development strategy of the company. In 2018, Hailiang Stock invested over 6 billion CNY to build a large-scale Nonferrous Smart Manufacturing Industrial Park in Zhuji, Zhejiang. The completion of the Park will further promote the Zhejiang non-ferrous industry to evolve from large to strong, from strong to proficient. The Park will also drive Zhejiang industry from manufacturing to innovating for the realization of high quality development.

In his 30 years experience in the company, the best time of his life, Zhangquan Zhu has been devoted to the Chinese non-ferrous metal industry and Zhejiang copper processing. In him, we saw the dedication to work will bring about fruitful achievement. In him, we saw the local affection of Zhejiang businessmen, and the dedication spirit of treating company as home. Among the more than 20,000 employees of Hailiang Group, he deserves to be called “meritorious employee” and “excellent manager”. Among the numerous Zhejiang businessman groups, he is an outstanding Zhejiang businessman and an industry elite. Among the numerous living beings, he is an advanced model worker and a great and diligent laborer!